Photo Credit Lee Allen
We spent a lot of this Month working with our set design company at Chelsea Flower Show and we've been in talks with 'The World Freestyle Dance Championships' at Blackpool Winter Gardens to design their stage set! What a venue to work in!!
We've supplied our props to some really great weddings, one that stood out especially was Kate from Wedding TV (That's them in the photo above by very talented photographer Lee allen), Her Dad is very ill and they knew they didn't have the luxery of long term planning, so they grabbed their wedding with both hands, and put it all together in just 2 months! Amazing stuff.
Have a look at this gorgeous little wedding film, Our letters look fab in it! Made for them by Studio 1208, WHO ARE AMAZING BY THE WAY!
We also had our first booking for our Light up funfair style heart, and we swapped it's red/pink lights to BRIGHT pink! Totally in love with the neon pink! Polly the bride was a great girl, we love a hands on Bride! Polly and John are off on their honeymoon now for month in America and with a shared love of the TV show 'Man v's Food' they are going to have a tasty time! We are JEALOUS!!!
You can hire The 'Joined up Love' sign at the top of the page or our 'Funfair style heart with scroll' or something else! from us at
'C & S' AKA 'V & A'! XX